Vanguard Area
The Vanguard Area is 100% owned in central Saskatchewan, located 170km South of Saskatoon, 150km North-West of Regina (Saskatchewan’s two largest cities) on a provincial highway system. The Tugaske Project is located in this area and other area highlights include:
- Over 80,000 acres of subsurface mineral rights available for mining
- With the above acreage under the Company’s control, together with the detailed knowledge and understanding of the resource region, Gensource sees the potential for up to twelve production modules.
- Comprises two subsurface mineral leases, KL 244 and KL 245 and a potash permit area (SMP200), surrounding the villages of Tugaske (RM of Huron No.223) and Eyebrow (RM of Eyebrow No.193)
- Gensource exploration activity includes four cored exploration wells, as of December 2019, and a 3D seismic program covering over 34 km 2 within KL 245
- Close proximity to essential utilities and services (rail, road, gas, power, aggregate, etc.)
- Key infrastructure required for construction and operations is in place and very accessible
- Mostly agricultural land with few environmentally sensitive areas
- Strong local community and provincial support
2023 Vanguard Area North 3D Seismic Program
Gensource is excited to execute the 2023 Vanguard North 3D Seismic Program. The program design began in September 2023, with permitting in October and field activities beginning and completing in November.
1.Begin exploration of Sub-surface Mineral Permit SMP200
- SMP200 is contiguous with and to the North of KL245
- SMP200 is also contiguous with the mining area defined for the Tugaske Project
2.Add to the existing resource currently defined in KL245 for the Tugaske Project.
- The 2017 Vanguard 3D Seismic program (outlined in the figures below) and Gensource drilling (wells identified in the figure below) define the existing resource in KL245
- Adding the 2023 Vanguard North 3D Seismic program will increase the contiguous coverage of the resource and bring that additional area into the defined Resource. Resource believes there will be additions to the Measured and Indicated Resource and potentially expand existing Reserve, but we won’t know for sure until a new NI 43-101 Technical Report is completed.
The 2023 Vanguard North 3D Seismic program is specifically design to be accretive to the existing knowledge of the regional resource. It:
- Covers an area of a little less than 5 mi2 in the Southern part of SMP200
- Coordinates with and adds to the 2017 Vanguard 3D Seismic coverage.
Gensource takes partnership seriously and works collaboratively with experts in the field who are key to ultimate success. With us on the 2023 Vanguard North 3D Seismic program are:
- Respec Saskatoon – program management and coordination.

- Surveying by Raymac Surveys Ltd.
- Field Medics by Black Gold Medical Ltd.
- Recording by Echo Seismic Ltd.
Program Status:
- Permitting – Completed October 2023
- Surveying – Completed November 2023
- Recording – Completed November 2023
- Data Processing – Completed November 2023
- Initial Report – Completed December 2023
- Schedule/Budget – On schedule and under budget!