Investor Information
Stock Symbol: GSP.V (TSX)
Current Price: $Loading… CAD
Volume: Loading…
Previous Open: $Loading… CAD
Previous Close: $Loading… CAD
Additional Information:
- Market Capitalization: $53.5 Million (at recent share price of $0.14)
- 52 Week Range: $0.08 – $0.16
- Basic Shares Outstanding: 382.6 Million
- Outstanding Options:
- 34.1 Million (Issued)
- 4.1 Million (Available)
- Outstanding Warrants:
- 1,598,080 @ $0.125 (Expire: Nov 30/2019)
- 634,332 @ $0.12 (Expire: Jun 3/2020)
- Total % Shares Owned by Directors/Management & Closely Held: ~27%
- Debt: $0
Key References:
Gensource Corporate Presentation July 2020
Roc Global Webinar: Gensource Potash / Helm North American Potash Opportunity (April 2020)
Gensource European Presentation (November 2019)
Gensource CIM Conference 2019 Presentation
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NI43-101 Technical Report, Complete with Resource & Reserves